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Custom Branding Requests

    Get started with your own custom-branded box-end label…

    Send every box of ribbons out that you sell with your own brand and contact details on the box.

    Design 1
    Design 2
    Design 3
    Design 4
    Design 5
    Design 6

    Provide us with your details for us to create your custom branded box end label.

    Customers will contact you with the details on this label when they are ready to order.

    usual colour logo example
    reverse/white out logo example

    Who else gives you FREE OF CHARGE box labels, flyers & Datasheets to send to your customers?…

    Check out our custom branding video, and also download our custom branding explained brochure for more information.

      Want to make it harder for your customers to shop around?

      Replace the below grades with your own (Max 5 Characters). As these won't exist elsewhere your customers won't find the same product elsewhere, and so when they re-order, they order from you! Otherwise TTS Grades will be used.

      For consideration in future…

      Custom Branded Datasheets

      As there are 14 datasheets in total, we respectfully ask you to only request custom branded datasheets if you intend to use them.

      Custom Branded Flyers

      Use these to send out your own email marketing campaigns or to send information about the range to existing customers and prospects.